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The Alternative Extreme « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Alternative Extreme

August 6, 2010


AT ALTERNATIVE RIGHT, a video of a black man who is hit by a truck while dancing in the street, and presumably killed, is gleefully savored by hateful commenters.

By the way, if hatred is expressed at a website by commenters, and not denounced by moderators, the latter are implicitly endorsing those sentiments. In this case, Richard Spencer obviously does accept the commenters’ views as he treats the incident, in which a man is injured, as a joke.

                                             — Comments —

Janet writes:

I appreciated your willingness to acknowledge that the comments in response to that video were out of line. As I watched the video and thought, “What this guy is doing is really stupid”, I never found the fact that he was hit by a truck the least bit humorous. Whatever his race, he is a human being. 

I am sadddened by the increasingly harsh racial rhetoric I have seen on sites where I can usually appreciate the perspective, even if I disagree on some levels. I will never of course, accept that I am intellectually inferior to anyone else simply because of my ethnicity. But when human beings can laugh at the plight of another human being suffering serious injury, it is time to look in the mirror and ask themselves what they truly believe about people who are different from them. 

Was this man’s foolish behavior worthy of death simply because his skin is dark? Young people (of all ethnicities) do foolish things every day.

Laura writes:

One of the commenters mentioned that the man apparently did not die and was only injured. But when the video was posted, the commenters thought he did. Whether he died or was injured, my point stands. 

Kilroy M. writes:

This is my comment on their site, for what it’s worth: 

“Stupidity is stupidity – no argument there. But what you chaps have done by posting this so gleefully demonstrates a complete lack of class. If you think being pro-white means relishing the misfortune of another, you’re all the kind of people I would avoid as neighbours and co-conspirators in the pro-white movement. If this is what AltRight represents, I want nothing to do with it and its readership. Posting this video proves that this site is nothing but juvenile and deserves not to be taken seriously.”

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