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The Subversive Childhood « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Subversive Childhood

August 28, 2010


A READER writes:

I really like these simple yet profound observations. My husband and I have commented on this “look” often. We are far from perfect, but have held fast to the narrow path, and that involves fresh air, books, music, food cooked at home, and lots of creative play borne out of “boredom.” We have prayed for friends who value similar things, and have been blessed in this regard. Just yesterday, a friend and I were able to talk on the patio as we witnessed games of dolls, slides, wagons, and dirt unfold on the lawn. Such play does give a sparkle to the eyes, roses to the cheeks, and tone to the muscles. My nieces are not so blessed, and it is always a privilege for us to have them over for a day or two, feed them, and give them a taste of carefree childhood existence apart from screens, daycare, and marital strife. Thank you for expressing so concisely some notions that have been swirling in my mind. 

Laura writes:

Most children get some outdoor play, some idle time, and some homecooked food but in general the wholesome childhood has become marginal and atypical. To raise children in the way you describe is now subversive, a radical stance  against a sick society.

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