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WARNING: Shocking and Highly Disturbing Pictures of Children « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

WARNING: Shocking and Highly Disturbing Pictures of Children

August 27, 2010




JAMES P. writes:

There are wonderful pictures of British children from the 1940s to the 1960s here. Note the picture of the teacher leading morning prayers, and the boys using roller skates with no helmets or pads — both very shocking by today’s standards.

Meanwhile, today, one child in four in the UK is born to an immigrant mother.



                                                            — Comments —

Peter S. writes:

Being an inveterate Anglophile, it has been immensely saddening to read of the cultural decline of Britain over the last few decades.  Theodore Dalrymple, who has done much to shed light on the cultural degradation of the British lower classes, writes plaintively of the erosion of British character in his short essay, The End of Virtuous Albion.  Other essays upon the same general theme, including the sobering Farewell, Church of England?, appear in the same issue of the New Criterion.  Peter Hitchens (yes, that brother) covers similar ground in his book, The Abolition of Britain, reviewed by Jim Kalb here.

Laura writes:

I highly recommend Lawrence Auster’s collection on the death of Britain.

Laurence B. writes:

I think the article you linked does well to show how badly Britain has declined. The pictures show healthy children guided by prudence, precision, and their British reserve. To the right of the article there are various pictures and links to rampant celebrity gossip, pictures of women in bikinis, and other tangents which do nothing but sedate the British of today to their imposing dull, culture-less existence.

The British haven’t had drastically worse leadership/elected officials during the 20th century than the United States, but somehow the malaise got to their middle and lower classes much more than it did in America. Without knowing it, they seem to have lost their culture war. Without knowing it, many Americans are still fighting their (the American) culture war.

Jesse Powell writes:

Information on out-of-wedlock births in Britain is below.  The below table refers to all births in England and Wales.  R/C stands for Rate of Change.  To see how these figures compare to what is happening in America, visit this link. The radical difference between the rates of change among the younger women compared to the older women, and the relatively slow rate of increase overall, indicates that an effort is being made among British women to decrease the level of out-of-wedlock births, and that part of this effort is for women to delay childbirth until they are older.  The same pattern was seen in the United States from 1990 to 2005.  The out-of-wedlock birth ratio among native born Britons was 52.0% in 2008.

Out-of-Wedlock Births among all women in England and Wales 





under 20 90.2% 93.9% 10.8%
20-24 64.9% 71.9% 6.7%
25-29 37.1% 42.8% 4.9%
30-34 26.3% 28.3% 2.0%
35-39 28.5% 29.8% 1.3%
over 40 33.3% 35.9% 2.3%
Total 41.4% 45.3% 3.2%
Source: Birth Statistics 2008, Office for National Statistics (United Kingdom) (pages 39 and 84)


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