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All the King’s Horses and All the King’s Men « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

All the King’s Horses and All the King’s Men

September 23, 2010


IMAGINE GIVING $100 million to a soulless, ineffective and corrupt bureaucracy to further its soulless, ineffective and corrupt projects. You might as well take tractor trailers full of cash, drive them to a major port, dump the cash in barges, haul the money out to sea and then dump it in a watery grave.

                                                    — Comments —

Jane writes:

I totally agree, but can’t you just see it! All the new (young) better trained (trained not educated) teachers will gladly stay until 11 p.m., leaving their babies and children with Mr. Mom. Oh, how perfect!

One thing I see happening straight across the board; resources being used to prop up the bottom at the expense of the top and I’m including special ed in this bottom. The goal seems to be a flat line, i.e. a zombie drone.

Sometimes I really wonder if education will be where the first hard lines are actually drawn in our country and communities.

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