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An Attack of Educational Chaos « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

An Attack of Educational Chaos

September 22, 2010


I WAS SITTING in the front row of Sister Frances Michael’s second grade class when I had my first public attack of … internal chaos. It came without forewarning. I didn’t know I had a virus until it was too late. I felt the same uneasiness yesterday when I viewed this clip of Oprah and Bill Gates mulling over the education of millions of children. Whatever Bill and Oprah have in mind you can rest assured it does not involve freedom of choice for the ordinary citizen. We are the playthings of educational masterminds. It is not a question of whether they will control us, but how. They take delight not in the outcome of education, but in the process. The opportunities for managerial adventure are almost limitless. Public education is an extreme sport for the bored and wealthy. It is like Mount Everest: something to be scaled so that one can say one did it, a summit on which to stand and look down upon the rest of the world.

                                          — Comments —

Jane writes:

That was difficult to read. I literally had to force myself to continue. I’ve heard it all before. We all have. Yuck is what I have to say. As if the content itself wasn’t dumb enough to be insulting, combining it with the 5th grade reading level used to write it along with it’s smug textbookie tone so common in today’s school books, it became doubly insulting! The most frightening statement to me, although not surprising, was this sentence, “Or a school where teachers stay until 11 at night to help children with their homework, and where children say school is like a second family to them.” Well, there we have it. Mission accomplished. Schools will replace the family.

I am particularly tired of hearing this one, “Just because your kids are in a good school, because your kids are graduated from school, doesn’t mean that it is not our country’s problem,” she says. “Our country will suffer if we continue to look the other way.” I say if we, the thinking class, DON’T start looking the other way we are ALL going to go down.

Regular public schools are bad enough, but can you imagine the PC zombie drones coming out of a charter school funded by Oprah? And, don’t forget the Bill Gates scholarship is only granted to a minority student.

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