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The Conservative Grass Roots Media « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Conservative Grass Roots Media

September 21, 2010


THE AUSTRALIAN intellectual magazine Quadrant features a two-part piece this month by Edwin Dyga on the political significance of the conservative blogosphere. It can be read online here and here. The Thinking Housewife, which saw its 1,000-post mark yesterday, is mentioned in the footnotes. Mr. Dyga says today’s conservative blogs may be tomorrow’s mainstream media:  

“With the right commitment and experience, today’s dissenters on the right could become part of tomorrow’s establishment; this can only have a positive influence on the next generation of journalists and politicians. Those who value popular democracy and free political expression have nothing to fear.”

Mr. Dyga criticizes the traditional press for allowing vested interests and intellectual laziness to destroy its credibility and to undermine serious political dialogue. “Traditionalist conservatives have been presented with an opportunity to create a viable political alternative and market it directly to the people at a time when the electorate appears to be exhausted with the same tired ideas repackaged each electoral cycle.” Mr. Dyga examines the Tea Party movement at length and the role of the Internet in its growth.


                                                                       — Comments —

Rita writes:

The mainstream media has been brainwashing the public for decades. Without the Internet, I’m not sure what else could have broken this process of indoctrination. Perhaps talk radio….perhaps Fox news…although I don’t think there would be a “Fox News” without the Internet…Fox News is capitalizing on the interest in alternate information while also controlling the information to a great extent. People feel like “Fox can be trusted, they tell us what no one else will.” Unfortunately, Fox is leaving some very important truths out.

When people are brainwashed, truth doesn’t mean anything to them.

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