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The Pizza Conspiracy, cont. « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Pizza Conspiracy, cont.

September 23, 2010



THE PIZZA industrial complex is spreading its tentacles day by day. Notice the fine print on this coupon.

Michael S. writes:

First, there were “anti-Semites.”

Then, there were “anti-dentites.”

And now… You, Madame, are… an “anti-pizzite.”

Robin writes:

I know you are making a funny with your latest pizza reference, and it was a good morning laugh, I must say! 

Personally, I find the video on the proprieter’s website quite hilarious, in light of their coupon. There, in the emotionally-charged video complete with haunting musical accompaniment, are the words, “We say, Pro-Woman.” Wow. We are so “Pro-Woman” that we wish to entice you with the bait of a free pizza, if only you will come and see us and allow us to “care for you every step of the way.”  Comical. 

I’m sure they are a good and decent pro-life counseling center. This is just a strange union of Pregnancy, Products of Conception, Pap Smears and Pizza.

Laura writes:

It is very strange.

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