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British Career Women and Islam « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

British Career Women and Islam

October 27, 2010


THE DAILY MAIL examines the trend of British career women converting to Islam. Many of them do so after dating a Muslim man. Some describe their sense of higher purpose after their conversion.  

By the way, Lauren Booth, Tony Blair’s sister-in-law, converted to Islam SIX WEEKS AGO. She experienced a mystical revelation at a shrine in Qom and then six weeks later broadcast her conversion to the entire world.

                                                                                          — Comments —

Michael S. writes:

With the recent discussion of related subjects at VFR, it occurred to me to imagine that one day we might start seeing large numbers Westerners converting to Islam because they now “recognize” that things have gone “too far” and we need some discipline, therefore it is time to embrace Islam.

But that scenario was so repulsive to me that it was almost too much to believe.

But… it’s happening now.

Though, I note that these women talk about “comfort.” They talk about being “empowered” and “liberated.” There is no mention of truth, or of serving God, or of confronting one’s sinfulness and wretchedness.

Laura writes:

It is not surprising at all given the Islamification of Europe and, yes, the women interviewed do not say, “I became Muslim because Islam’s claims are true.” There is one bright spot to that. When conversion is superficial, it is less likely to last.

Ilion writes:

… and, yes, the women interviewed do not say, “I became Muslim because Islam’s claims are true.” 

In Islam, truth (nor reason, for that matter) isn’t that high a value; and it certainly isn’t the supreme value, as it is in Christianity. Christianity asserts that God *is* truth. Islam asserts that “truth” is whatever Allah says (today) that it is. 

In Islam, it isn’t so important whether you believe this or that, but whether you behave in this or that way, and are seen to do so. 

“… There is one bright spot to that. When conversion is superficial, it is less likely to last.” 

That makes sense to us, but it wouldn’t to a Moslem; or, it wouldn’t in the same way it does to us.


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