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Daddy O. « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Daddy O.

October 28, 2010


IN THIS shocking recorded speech, President Obama addresses teenagers who consider themselves homosexual, visually embracing them with his love and telling them in soothing tones that their differences are “a source of pride.”

“There is a whole world waiting for you filled with possibilities,” Daddy O. says. “There are people who love you just the way you are… Don’t feel like you’re in this by yourself… your differences are a source of pride and a source of strength.”

Our president is a bully who flagrantly violates his mandated role. The U.S. Constitution did not appoint him therapist to the nation’s children. The voters did not elect him to be dad. This is an outrageous assertion of power. He is a bully to parents in their own homes and a bully to children as well, exhibiting shocking insensitivity to the dilemmas and conflicts of adolescence and feeding them blatant lies. This president is a bully and a sentimental idiot all at once. He is an embarrassment to everything good this country represents.

                                                                                           — Comments —

Jane writes:

His video was welcomed by campaigners on the issue. Charles Robbins, executive director of the Trevor Project, a 24-hour helpline for gay youths at risk. He said: “I’m pleased that the president has spoken directly to youths, letting them know that they are not alone, that they didn’t do anything wrong and don’t deserve to be bullied. These are powerful words coming from the leader of the free world.”

Well, if this isn’t proof positive that the homosexual agenda is not a grassroots movement, I don’t know what is.

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