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No Thank You, Mrs. Othman « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

No Thank You, Mrs. Othman

October 2, 2010


IMAGINE traveling millions of miles to a new planet and the first person you meet is a U.N. bureaucrat. Imagine your disillusionment when Mrs. Othman sits you down for a PowerPoint presentation or hands you a massive folder crammed with brochures, maps and coupons.

Aliens should be greeted by a small child of around four or five. He will know what to say.


                                                                    — Comments —

Michael S. writes:

I read this headline to Mrs. S. and she said:

“What? Are you kidding me? Is than an Onion article?”

That was my initial thought, too. But then I figured… who else but the UN? Most politicians act like they’re living on another planet anyway.


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