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The Campaign to Increase Bullying « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Campaign to Increase Bullying

October 19, 2010


THE ONGOING effort to encourage children and adolescents to see themselves as homosexual, a campaign that seeks the destruction of innocence, will result in more bullying of children not less. That is a prediction based on common sense. When children are encouraged to flaunt homosexual attractions, they are more likely to arouse hostile responses.

Jeanette Victoria writes:

I’m not a deep thinker but it is my impression that the rise in anti-homosexual bullying is a direct result of the pro-homosexual “anti-bullying” campaign in the public schools. We now have childern as young as 12 (or maybe younger) coming out as homosexuals. Who knows what their dysfunction may have been but what with the pro-homosexual propaganda in the public schools children as young as five years old now self-identify as “gay.”

I feel that the other children also are victims as they are just not emotionally equipped to handle sexual deviancy maturely at such a young age.

Really we should stop teaching sex altogether in the public schools let alone promoting deviancy. And get back to simple good old fashioned manners (and allow teacher to discipline again).

                                                               — Comments —


The Rev. James Jackson writes:

I’ve heard many cogent arguments against the effort to persuade all that homosexuality is a desirable thing in a society. Many of the best of the secular arguments point out that such an effort is doomed simply because it seeks to change human nature. That the effort will produce converts cannot be doubted. The Kansas State University study should be useful in persuading that the notion that same-sex marriage produces converts to homosexuality is not bigoted or false; it is simply a fact. It seems to me that barring Khymer Rouge-style reeducation camps, most boys and girls will continue to experience a revulsion for homosexuality, no matter how much “homophobia” is condemned. 

But here’s a fact I just came across which might interest your readers. The etymology of the word “bad” comes from the OE baeddel, which then became the ME badde. It meant a womanish man, or a woman that was masculine. A “baedling” was such a man or woman. 

So, this effort might need to radically change the English language, well beyond insisting on the misnomer “gay.”

Jeanette adds:

This is how homosexuals want to stop bulling of “gays”…by demonizing Christians. I wonder just what church preaches like this. None I’ve ever been too.

This looks like a very severe case of projection.



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