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The Illusory Muslim Woman « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Illusory Muslim Woman

October 26, 2010


JOSH F. writes:

I believe it to be a dangerous illusion to view Muslim women as  oppressed. After all, good, devout Muslim women are mothers of devout  jihadists. In fact, when one really absorbs the head-to-toe covering  of a devout Muslim woman, it is hard not to see the uniform of a  warrior. The amorphous, ambiguous, unpredictable essence of the  “dress” gives indication of intelligent life, but that’s it. I was at  Sea World when I first observed this military garb. It was futuristic and Star Wars-like. The movement underneath seemed gateless, travelled without effort then stood motionless. Repeat. A small perfectly  retangular “slit” for vision and eyes hidden in shade. I didn’t see  oppression. I saw assertion.

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