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The Truth About Synthetic Hormones « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Truth About Synthetic Hormones

October 21, 2010


NOTICE THE blasé, non-committal way the Mayo Clinic discusses the link between breast cancer and birth control pills at its website:

The effect of birth control pills on breast cancer risk isn’t quite clear. However, some studies do show a link between pill use and breast cancer. Key factors seem to be how many years you take the pill and how recently you last used the pill. In one study, use of birth control pills led to a higher risk of premenopausal breast cancer in women who took the pill for four or more years before having a baby. Other evidence suggests that 10 or more years after you stop taking the pill, your breast cancer risk returns to the same level as if you had never taken birth control pills.

Then look at this report, published last year, of a four-to-five-fold increase in one of the most lethal forms of breast cancer among young women who have taken the pill. It’s one thing for women to die from medication that is necessary and another for them to die for medicine that is unnecessary.

The New York Times reported yesterday that a new study shows that synthetic hormones taken by menopausal women to control hot flashes cause deadly breast cancer. Is all of this any surprise? The use of hormones to control the reproductive cycles of women represents a massive experiment in bioengineering. The effects hormones excreted into public waterways have on the environment and the general population may never be fully known.

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