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The Woman in the Grey Flannel Suit « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Woman in the Grey Flannel Suit

October 19, 2010




THIS AD appears in the latest issue of Fortune. The slogan is “Women as half of all workers changes everything.” That’s true. It does change everything, including the hearts and minds of women. The women in the foreground of this ad appear aroused. They appear to be on the verge of an erotic apocalypse, as if they will gaze from the pinnacles of power with moans of ecstasy. Notice how the morning sun rises in the background. They carry severed heads in their handbags.


                                                              — Comments —

N.W. writes:

I was under the impression that vampires disliked sunlight. Hmm, learn something new every day.

Robin writes:

In keeping with N.W.’s “vampire” theme, I sometimes feel like I Am Legend; the only remaining woman immune to the cursed “cure” to the disease of the modern, unfeminized housewife and mother. Perhaps there is a vaccine somewhere in my blood and that of my sisters, as we strive to live as feminine beings dressed in lively color in a world of androgynous beings gone mad in their grey flannel suits. Perhaps one day, we will affect world-change and vibrant life will return via a small community of overcomers who refuse to allow the disease to permeate our bodies, our minds and our spirits and that of our children.

Roger writes:

The handbags are pretty flat. Must be liberals’ heads.

Aroused? I wouldn’t know since I never married, but that’s not how I pictured it.

Laura writes:

If you follow the link and go to the picture in full resolution, you will see that the handbags of the “women” in the foreground are enormous. They could easily fit two, three, maybe four heads in there.  I think they are the heads of co-workers or the people in Human Resources. 

N. W. writes:

Oh, corporate headhunters; now I get it!

Laura writes:

That’s it!

Ilion writes:

If I could be sure it were the heads of the “Human Resources” people, I couldn’t help but be cheered. That very phrase is one of the major problems with present-day corporations.

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