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The Conservative Surrender « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Conservative Surrender

December 31, 2010


THE RECENT repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” requires the military for the first time in American history to condone homosexuality in the armed forces. Lawrence Auster describes the lack of principled resistance to its repeal as the greatest of many conservative betrayals in recent years. He writes:

Seventeen years ago conservatives stood like a stone wall against Clinton’s attempt to open the military to homosexuals, and won. Today, they don’t give a damn, and stand indifferent and detached in the face of this portentous victory for the homosexual rights movement, a victory which opens up incalculable new opportunities for the homosexualization of American life and institutions.

                                                           — Comments —

N.W. writes:

I am glad that you and Mr Auster have something to say about the repeal of DADT. Quite honestly, I’d have liked to repeal it as well, but take it back to the 1992 staus quo. I find it incredibly disturbing that not a single prominent conservative politician stood against this act on principle. I know many men who have hazarded their lives in the defence of our nation; it is a great betrayal indeed when our “conservative” politicians won’t even chance sacrificing their careers to preserve the honor and integrity of our armed forces.

Laura writes:

Mr. Auster has written extensively on the subject in the last two weeks. His posts can be found here.

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