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Europe’s Future « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Europe’s Future

January 2, 2011


THE GATES OF VIENNA recently featured a long piece by Michael Mannheimer, “Eurabia: The Planned Islamization of Europe” that is well worth reading. He wrote:

In 1960 only 600,000 Muslims lived in all of Europe, today, however, there are already over 30 million, and the greatest mass immigration in the history of man continues unabated. Each year 1 million new Muslim immigrants stream into Europe. This is done legally through the reunification of families, the process of asylum, or they come as “political fugitives” from their Islamic countries where human rights are trodden underfoot. Ever and again they receive residency rights, more and more receiving European citizenship without having to accede to rudimentary skills of culture, education or employment necessary to cope with the requirements of high-tech European society.

But they haven’t come here to integrate into Western society. This is forbidden by their faith[d] as well as their religious leaders who are highly organized and have long since held the real leadership over European muslims. Their primary political goal is to complete what their religion, what Allah has commanded: the rule over all “infidels” in this world. This is what it says in the Koran; this is what their prophet (Muhammad) also commands. And this is what every representative of Muslims strives for in every European country, regardless of what party they belong to.

Only Western do-gooders and the leftist elite insistently refuse to acknowledge the Islamic push for world dominance, for they naïvely follow the motto of do-gooders and good-willers who think that that which is not allowed to exist simply cannot exist. But let it be said to all who refuse to accept reality: the Muslim doesn’t care one iota what the non-Muslim thinks of him. What Islam entails, what it really means, every Muslim understands perfectly. To express it coarsely, Western ideals of morality or other values are considered rubbish. Khomeini, among others, formulated this idea unambiguously when he said,

“The rule over the world is the end goal of Islam.”                  

                                                              — Comments —

Diana writes:

In addition to the religious and ethnic disaster unfolding, you have this. Europe is a gerontocracy.



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