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Same-Sex Marriage in Iowa « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Same-Sex Marriage in Iowa

January 17, 2011


THOUSANDS of state marriage licenses have been issued to homosexual couples in Iowa since April, 2009, when the state Supreme Court upheld a lower court’s decision legalizing same-sex marriage despite majority opposition by voters. In last November’s elections, three of the judges who made the controversial ruling were removed from office. 

Freshmen legislators have vowed to introduce impeachment proceedings against the remaining four justices this year as a purely punitive measure. Republican Gov. Terry Branstad does not support the impeachment drive and it  appears to be a long shot with voters.  Impeachment would not restore traditional marriage. GOP legislators intend to propose a constitutional marriage amendment this year that would bar homosexual unions. The earliest the amendment could become law would be 2013. By then, same-sex unions will have been a reality for almost four years. Voters face the extra burden of denying “marriages” that already exist.

The situation is bleak in Iowa. Yet freshman state senator Kent Sorenson has called the fight against same-sex unions “my generation’s defining moment.”

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