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State-Imposed Discrimination « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

State-Imposed Discrimination

January 25, 2011


THE U.S. SUPREME COURT ruled on Monday that a company’s dismissal of the fiancé of a woman who had filed a sex discrimination suit was unlawful. The woman, Miriam Regalado, had filed a claim against her employer, North American Stainless, stating that it failed to promote her because she was a woman. The company later fired her fiancé. But the court ruled this was unfair retaliation against her.

Have I fallen down a rabbit hole? 

Why does the government control the hiring decisions of private employers? Why can’t a business hire or dismiss anyone it pleases? What’s wrong with denying promotion to someone because she is a woman given that most women rely on men for financial support and given that women are different from men? I thought the purpose of private enterprise was economic, not to remake the world into a female-dominated hellhole.

I guess I’m just a starry-eyed, nostalgic traditionalist who foolishly refuses to accept that things have changed.                        

                                                                                                        — Comments —

A reader writes:

I have dealt with this situation for years in my job. Justice Scalia is an apparatchik, although very favorable to conservatives relatively. He insists on following the law. His interpretation in my view, although unpleasant to me, is consistent with the law. Moreover, he insists on following prior decisions, stare decisis. He is incapable of declaring the 1964 Civil Rights Act unconstitutional. That Act and the 5th and 14th Amendments are the foundation of anti-discrimination law. The Act has been affirmed too many times for Justice Scalia. He cannot, or so he thinks, be a judicial activist because he is a self-declared conservative. 

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