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The Homeschooling Revolution, cont. « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Homeschooling Revolution, cont.

January 26, 2011


CORY writes:

In regard to your update on homeschooling, this is one of those issues that infuriates the mainstream left not only due to its countering of centralized top-down state indoctrination, but perhaps more so because it is a liberating and empowering movement that they cannot take credit for. The left sells itself as a democratizing force that all past progress can be attributed to. Yet upon closer inspection, we see that whenever a group pushes for progress without encasing itself in all the prevailing ideology of the leftist hive-mind, they are viewed with contempt regardless of virtue.

Take the environmental movement as one example. Here the left parades around as the only group who cares about the environment and active in protecting it, failing to acknowledge the hundreds of thousands (millions?) of acres of wild lands that are under protection thanks to the efforts of fisherman and hunter conservationists. But those people are a little too white, and a little too rural, so their positive impact must be ignored.

Another recent example is the grass-roots Tea Party movement, who are quickly becoming a formidable political force against an increasingly invasive, bloated and hostile government. Who wouldn’t agree that our tax system is obnoxiously complex, and our law enforcement increasingly militarized and invasive? Well, there are a few problems with these decrepit teabaggers: they are a grass-roots social movement that doesn’t self-identify as left (or often right for that matter). Not to mention the high number of middle-class or what might be better termed “working people” whom the parasitical managerial class has historically despised. Instead of supporting the movement on virtue alone, the left reacts with vile hatred because the Tea Party is succeeding where they continuously fail, but no matter, it must always be all-or-nothing.

One final example is the organic food movement. In the past five years or so there has been a growing backlash against GMO and factory farms, not only due to the poor quality of the food, but the destruction of rural communities that used to be very culturally rich and dynamic. One result of this backlash is the return of farms that produce a wide variety of nutrient dense food using permaculture techniques. One such farmer was brought to the public eye by Michael Pollan in his book “The Omnivore’s Dilemma” that showcases the horrors of our food system and the people who are trying to counter it. What people? Well, Joel Salatin, the farmer prominently featured in the book, is a conservative Christian that is now almost the face of this “clean food movement” as he calls it. What’s hilarious is that the left is in a panic to associate this movement with the left. Lierre Keith, a lesbian feminist and former Vegan wrote a book “The Vegetarian Myth” after permanently damaging her body from a 20 year Vegan diet. In an interview I saw of her, she made a telling statement in the likes of “oh my god, the mainstream is picking up on this, there is an actual movement.” Indeed Keith, there is a movement, and it started before your book was written while the now back-tracking left was still advocating estrogenic Soy products, low fat, and no meat diet despite the actual evidence. Most importantly though, this movement is independent of leftist control. By the way, her left constituents reacted to her book in predictable fundamentalist fashion, namely, by shoving pie in her face during a talk.

Back to homeschooling, it is wonderful to see it grow in number. I remember seeing cameras being installed in my school in the mid-nineties and having a creepy feeling about it. The left likes to attack homeschooling as nothing more than fundamentalist Christians trying to brainwash their children. Yet more and more secular or otherwise non-Christian parents are choosing to pull their kids out as school becomes increasingly totalitarian and rigid, not to mention the laughing stock of the developed world. For the self-perceived enlightened liberal however, these facts are less important than maintaining what they see as their noble right—the overlords of the minds of children and future of society.


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