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What Does it Take to Be a Housewife? « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

What Does it Take to Be a Housewife?

January 4, 2011


LYDIA SHERMAN answers this question here. She writes:

It takes resolute, persistent, tenacious, valiant, undaunted, undismayed, unshrinking, fearless and daring, unmovable determination to be a wise and purposeful homemaker. It is common to be asked: “Don’t you know that our nation is in a financial down slide? Why are you staying home? You are living in a dream world! What about retirement money? What about benefits? What about the future? Why don’t you wake up and smell the coffee?”

All around us, today we see enticing advertising aimed at the housewives, trying to get them into college, and eventually, out working for other people. It is so important to know what you stand for, and not fall for everything that comes along and promises something great. Even if it is free, it does not mean you are obligated to take it.

Sometimes “free” comes with a terrible price. Teen children need their parents more emotionally than people know, and this is often the time when mothers choose to go to college or to work. Some women lose their own children, spiritually, emotionally, and physically, in order to go after a degree.


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