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A High School Girl Wins « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A High School Girl Wins

February 18, 2011



KAREN I. writes:

I am sending a picture of Cassie Herkelman, the girl who won the Iowa state wrestling match by forfeit. From what I read, another girl wrestled a boy in the same tournament and lost the first match after being pinned in 52 seconds. I also read that Joel Northrup, who refused on principle to wrestle a girl, can still participate in other matches in the tournament despite forfeiting the match with Herkelman. 

Northrup can hold his head high, knowing he did the right thing. I wonder if Herkelman is equally proud of her “achievement.”


                                               — Comments —

Joe Long writes:

I am struck by the young woman’s wrestling single announcing, “Cedar Falls.”

If a cedar falls to political correctness, and no one is allowed to admit he heard it…did it still make a noise?

A reader writes:

My eldest son participates in a military cadet organization, for middle-schooled and older kids. We held a drill once in which the cadets (with proper safety precautions, supervision and equipment) boxed. A couple of females participated. I still have mixed feelings about the command decision I made when he was matched with a (larger) female sparring opponent. I told him, “Son, we do NOT hit girls. Unless girls put on boxing gloves, and headgear, and step into the ring with us, particularly after trash-talking beforehand. Then we knock girls flat on their behinds. Also, she’s been ignoring the coaching and keeps her right glove low.” 

Number One Son: “Yeah, I saw that.” 

I hope that the lesson HE got was not an entirely unworthy one, in this world of confused and conceited usurpers. The abrupt lesson SHE got, I hope she learned. 

Joel Northrup acted the part of a true champion; God bless him. Unfortunately his “triumphant” opponent will doubtless be reinforced mightily, congratulated, celebrated, and strongly discouraged from reflecting on the circumstances of her “win.”

Clark Coleman writes:

I used to think that a man should refuse to wrestle a girl in these circumstances (the issue has come up before, years ago). But, how does one apply the rules of chivalry to our current world, especially to such a situation? Perhaps the proper thing to do is slam her to the mat and teach her a lesson.

Women agree to behave in certain ways and receive male protection in return. In a world where some women behave one way and some behave another way, perhaps male protection should be offered selectively.

MarkyMark writes:

I think Joel Northrup should have wrestled Cassie Herkelman. Why? Because the only way we’re going to do away with this feminist equality nonsense is to to give women TOTAL EQUALITY; we need to show them just what it means to compete in a man’s world, by a man’s rules, etc. How else are we to disabuse women of the notion that they can do anything a man can do, and do it better if we don’t slam ’em to the mat to teach ’em a lesson? If it had been me, I’d have slammed her to the mat as hard as I could.

Laura writes:

This is a young girl, not an adult woman. I do not blame her but adults who encourage girls to become wrestlers. I am appalled that adults would put her in this position.

Brittany writes:

There are some strong girls out there just like there are women who excel in subjects like physics and chemistry. In my opinion, however, the girls just need their own wrestling team. They are putting the boys in a sticky situation. If he wrestled and lost to the girl everybody would have made fun of him; if he won, he would get blasted for beating up a girl, and now he will probably be called a sexist for refusing to wrestle her.

Laura writes:

All-girl wrestling teams are fine as long as they are not unfairly promoted under rules and regulations such as Title IX that attempt to make women compete at male sports to the same degree men do.



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