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A Little Girl is Publicly Cheapened « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Little Girl is Publicly Cheapened

February 24, 2011


AMR writes:

I was looking through the headlines tonight and saw on MSN a video advertised as “You want to marry this kid when she grows up? Your heart might be broken until she gets one thing first.” I thought it was going to be a video on some goofy thing that a kid said, but after reading your site for awhile, I found it disturbing. Now five-year-old girls don’t care about men and want “a job.” It’s as though jobs are the be-all and end-all for women, not a man who might want to commit his life to her or a family or God. So sad. I’d bet she lives in a single-mother household.

After reading a book called Dressing with Dignity by Colleen Hammond in high school, I didn’t really like feminism. Your site helps put into words and expand on the idea that feminism hurts. Thank you for your eye-opening site. It is too bad it’s not mainstream.

Laura writes:

Thank you for writing.

Here’s a girl who’s been robbed of her childhood before she’s even six, taught to be an aggressive and demanding bully when she should be tenderly playing with dolls, dreaming of love and the children she will guide and protect from danger. Not only has her childhood been cut short, but her chances of a happy marriage to a good man have been seriously diminished.

The adults who made this travesty possible are juvenile in the worst sense of the word. They are not protectors or nurturers. They are destroyers. The entire meaning of what it is to be an adult, the sense that a child’s hopefulness and idealism must be avidly defended, has been lost. Think of it. Little girls are taught to be mean and to care for power and money, and millions of people applaud it and think that’s cute. Is there the slightest chance that feminine affection and tenderness can survive in anything but tattered form? We have become a world of hate. The hate for childhood as a cultural institution created to protect the vulnerable and nurture love comes first of all. All the phony sentimentality expressed toward children, all the gadgets and materialistic attention they receive, cannot disguise the underlying contempt for who children are.

Ring around the rosies,
A pocketful of posies,
Ashes, Ashes we all fall down.

Adults are at war with children. And there isn’t the slightest possibility children can win because of their deep, unquestioning and inarticulate love for those who are charged with their protection.

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