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A Perenially Guilty Military « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Perenially Guilty Military

February 16, 2011


THE ENTRY of more women into the military leads to the never-ending project of proving that the military can fairly accomodate women and prevent sexual offenses. A federal lawsuit was filed yesterday by 15 military women and two men charging that the Department of Defense does not do enough to prevent sexual assault by servicemen.

A Pentagon spokesman stated, “That means providing more money, personnel, training and expertise, including reaching out to other large institutions, such as universities, to learn best practices. This is now a command priority, but we clearly still have more work to do in order to ensure all of our service members are safe from abuse.”

The military, which can never ensure all its service members are safe from abuse, will model itself after universities in an effort to try.


                                  — Comments —

James P. writes:

One might ask, with respect to the claims of sexual assault in the military, if women are incapable of defending themselves against “friendly” male soldiers, how can they possibly defeat enemy male soldiers? This story lays bare the absurdity of the claim that women can be trained to be as physically strong and aggressive as men.

Jeff W. writes:

Government workers like to work on never-ending projects that taxpayers have to pay for. Americans, we are told, have to admit women into the military on an equal basis with men, and we have to protect them fully when they are in the military.

Similarly minority groups have to score the same as whites on educational achievement tests, and the taxpayers have to pay as much as it costs to make test scores come out equally.

If a government contractor builds a road, at some point the job is done and he has to find a new job to do. A lot of government jobs are like that. But protecting females in the military and achieving equality of results in education are two government projects that will go on forever. It’s a sweet deal for the government workers who are on those projects’ payrolls.

Elizabeth Wright writes:

This whole business of women intruding themselves into everything  under the sun, like places where they ought not to be, in close quarters with men, has turned me so cynical that whenever I hear about  some so-called abuse my first reaction goes something like this: Well, that’s your role, girlie, to provide sustenance and relief for the men.  The men are there to do the heavy lifting, the real work,  and you’re there to offer a woman’s comfort. If you don’t like this role, stay the hell out, because you’re certainly never going to overcome Nature’s programming of the two sexes. Here is a post I wrote that touches on this subject.


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