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A Word for Adoption « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Word for Adoption

February 1, 2011


KAREN writes:

Regarding the discussion over abortion and adoption, I just had to offer a few thoughts. I am adopted and I was adopted into a family that has been plagued with some amount of infertility in every generation.  There are at least seven people who are adopted in our extended family.  It is a wonderful thing. My adopted mom said our joy comes at the price of heartbreak for someone else, which is so true and yet we all seem to be well-adjusted and well-loved. I dislike hearing that some people think that all adopted children are emotional wrecks. This gives adoption a bad name. Having met my biological family as an adult, I can say that a few of my own quirks (and we all have them, adopted or not) came directly from my birth family.

Adoption is so much better in a case where a mom is emotionally unable to raise her children. Abortion is never the answer. My cousin just paid thousands of dollars to adopt her daughter and it took years while a million babies were thrown in a garbage can in that same time.I cost my parents the huge sum of $5.00 in 1959 .The Bible is full of stories of adoption. It is not a bad thing.


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