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Another University Cuts Male Athletes « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Another University Cuts Male Athletes

February 9, 2011


FACED WITH financial pressure, the University of California, Berkeley will be eliminating positions for male athletes and adding positions for female atheletes. That’s right, it will be adding spots for women even though it is short of money.

More than 80 male positions will be cut while the women’s teams will be required to add 50 positions. According to The New York Times, “That is in addition to the more than 100 male athletes already cut when men’s rugby, baseball and gymnastics were dropped as varsity sports, or about the equivalent of two football squads.” 

Such is the insane and nefarious logic of Title IX, the federal legislation that mandates proportionate resources for female athletes. The effort to institutionalize equality through the imposition of numerical standards is a hoax. Feminism assumes there is enough for everyone. There is not enough for everyone and supporters of Title IX, including many who are financially invested in the growing female athletic infrastructure, are in the business of depriving men of valuable resources. They are at war with masculinity. They are also creating Amazons, freaks of nature with the thighs of Hercules and all the joy in sport and femininity of gladiators.

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