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Children Having Children « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Children Having Children

February 4, 2011


GOVERNMENT subsidies of single mothers are not humane or charitable or compassionate. They are evil. Subsidies for single mothers are a state-sanctioned form of child abuse. Gerry Garibaldi, a schoolteacher writing in The City Journal, describes the world of black pregnant teens and their fatherless boyfriends, a story that has been told so many times for so many years to so many people that chaos seems normal.


                                                                             — Comments —

Karen I. writes:

The Connecticut welfare system Mr. Garibaldi describes discourages marriage. It is a system that is easily scammed and has little oversight. There are many mothers in Connecticut who live with the baby’s father and lie about it, saying they live alone. They get all of the benefits listed by Mr. Garibaldi in his article because the father’s income is not part of the equation for the “single” mothers who shack up with their baby’s fathers. If the same couple gets married, the father’s income is factored into eligibility for welfare benefits and the benefit amount is decreased. That is a huge disincentive for marriage. 

The one thing welfare will not pay for is a car, and that is important in this state as public transportation in many parts of Connecticut is very limited or nonexistent. Car insurance is mandatory and the cost of living is very high in CT, along with the cost of everything else, including cars and car taxes. So, the mothers on welfare usually have serious problems getting and keeping cars on the road. One welfare mother actually said to me with a straight face, “I wish there was a program that would give me a car”! I wanted to reply that all of the local car dealerships had programs called car loans.

Elizabeth Wright writes:

Laura writes, “. . . a story that has been told so many times for so many years to so many people that chaos seems normal.”

So perfectly stated.  And how do you think those of us who recognized the horror of the train coming down the track in the 1970s feel, as we see all our predictions have come true?  Or should I say, all those  Moynihan Report predictions?

I recall so many frustrating conversations with white women, especially, who either could not see or were too frightened to see what lay at the end of the track. I would tell them about girls who 
already have one illegitimate child, who purposely would procreate  another child because this would result in an increase in their monthly stipend. These whites just would not believe this, and would  literally fight me on the issue.  You see, such behavior appeared to  be so totally irrational to them that it was inconceivable that anyone could be so shortsighted and dense. Mind you, the stipend would only  increase by a paltry few dollars, but to these girls, just thinking about an extra $60 or $80 in their hands was enough.

It is unlikely for there ever to be marriages for them. This is not for the old reasons advanced about “shacking up,” but because there is only one type of boy who co-habits with these girls, for whom they have general  contempt. These boys can practice sexual diversity, since they have many females to choose from. Like the girls, they don’t come out of households with married parents, or see many such people around them.  Such boys do not want to be obligated to steady employment and probably could not maintain the consistency required.  The typical boy prefers to spend whatever money he earns or steals on himself, not on  a girlfriend’s kids, one or two of whom are probably not his.

In spite of all this stark reality, these girls still dream of The One who will come along and just adore them and their illegitimate broods. They’re always in and out of love.

And, of course, it’s ridiculous to hear people talk about the  “parents” of today’s wayward school children and how they should do this or that to make their kids behave.  Well, don’t you know who 
those parents are?  They are undeveloped mental juveniles, whose  tastes are the same as their children — in music, clothing, entertainment interests. One often wonders, Who is the adult here? 
There is none.

I don’t know if you’ve been writing about the spread of this teenage pregnancy epidemic to once stable, mainstream communities, but I wrote a post on the first one I learned of in 2008, and recently I read of  yet another school where there are now multiple pregnant students. 

As you say, this story has been hashed over and over, until it’s wearisome. Those of us blacks who understand the role played by thousands of cynical black elites, beginning in the 1960s, feel the 
greatest anger.  Getting the underclass subsidized by The System meant  endless posh jobs for these people, most of whom were already pretty well off, and they cleaned up. That’s another part of the story that  so many whites don’t want to believe.

Diana writes:

Laura write: “a story that has been told so many times for so many years to so many people that chaos seems normal.”

Amen. Sometimes it helps to state the obvious, which you did. I didn’t read the article, although I knew about it. I read it a year ago. I read it five years ago. I read it 10 years ago. I read it 20 years

I’m sick of reading about it. We know how harmful this is. We know how harmful it is to us, to the children, to their parents, to everyone. Yet we do nothing except continue to subsidize black degradation, and white dispossession.

Mad. We’ve gone mad.

Brittany writes:

If someone makes one mistake and has a baby then they should have assistance. What needs to be done is that if you have another baby you get cut off and your kids go to foster care. Also it’s not just the welfare system but the glamorization of teen pregnancy. Look at the TV show “16 and Pregnant.” I am glad we do not treat unwed pregnant mothers like dirt like people used to do but people do not have to be proud of the fact that they are pregnant out of wedlock. The upper class still have a low illegitimacy level because they actually take major precautions to prevent pregnancy.

Laura writes:

“If someone makes one mistake and has a baby then they should have assistance.”

Of course they should have assistance, but not from government. Women’s organizations in the early 20th century were adamant that government aid, which they sought for women who were widowed or abandoned, not go to unmarried women. Family and charity can provide assistance.

It is not true that all women who got pregnant in the past were treated “like dirt.” Many of them got married. Some women experienced shame and its consequences. But those consequences were nothing compared to the ill effects on children today. Those women at least had the benefit of stable upbringings.

There are many reasons why women in the “upper class” do not find themselves in this situation. If you are suggesting that artificial contraception is the answer to these teen pregnancies, you are denying the obvious. Many of these girls are exposed to sex education but it does not keep them from having relationships and getting pregnant.



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