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Do Women Make for Better News? « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Do Women Make for Better News?

February 3, 2011


Dana Perino

Dana Perino of Fox News


Dana Perino is a typical TV talking head female: preciously pretty, with media skills, and with absolutely nothing worthwhile to say. The main message she conveys is, “I am so pretty and I know how to talk; and I am so very special because I’m pretty and know how to talk.”


                                                                                            — Comments —

Mr. Auster writes:

I’m glad you posted my comment about Dana Perino. I felt it captured something of the psychology of today’s news media females. 

However, your photo of her from her White House days, which ended two years ago, does not convey the way she looks and comes across now. In that photo, while the narcissism can be seen, she’s somewhat serious looking (being presidential press spokesman is a hard job). Since becoming a regular on Fox, her narcissism seems to have taken her over entirely. There’s something unreal about her. Her entire persona is an exercise in vanity.



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