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Is the Mainstream Listening? « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Is the Mainstream Listening?

February 14, 2011


DAVID C. writes:

Are we entering the era in which men will finally begin to stand up for themselves? This is the thought I have after reading a recent article by Anthony Buono, the founder of the Ave Maria online dating website. It is called, “Are Women Unappreciative?” In the piece, Buono writes:

Many women lack the appropriate tools a woman should have to draw out the love and devotion a man is capable of when he is with a woman who treats them right.

I have heard thousands of women complain about men over the years. Many of the things they complain about are legitimate things, but much of it is not. Women have a tendency to exaggerate and over dramatize what is wrong with men. What bothers me is the bitterness and negative attitude that is expressed along with their complaints.

The commentary that follows is especially interesting. I take it as a kind of litmus test of our preparedness as a society to hear the message that Anthony is trying to deliver. Note that many of the comments draw attention away from Anthony’s main point – that it is culturally acceptable to mistreat men – by focusing on the particular example he uses to make this point. I have read these sorts of articles before, on your website and elsewhere, but what strikes me about this one is its context: Anthony’s blog is a little more mainstream. In other words, it is not a blog specifically intended to examine the mistreatment of men or comment on the destruction wrought by a misguided feminism. It’s a blog about dating, and the people who read it are not necessarily inclined to see the world the way you and I do.

It is somewhat embittering to see the women complain that it is unfair to single their sex out for poor behavior. I have been following Anthony’s blog for a long time now, and I’ve gotten to the point that every time I read one of his articles and start going through the comments, I prepare myself mentally for some form of male bashing. Ah, well. It will take time to change the direction of the prevailing winds. One must be patient.

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