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Memories of Indoctrination « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Memories of Indoctrination

February 2, 2011



Thank you for posting this article. Planned Parenthood is a for-profit agency that makes millions of dollars exploiting women. It has always targeted blacks and minorities from the very beginning of its history (as the Birth Control League started by Margaret Sanger). If you doubt that PP targets blacks, check out how many abortion clinics are located in inner-city black neighborhoods and how many are actually on Martin Luther King Blvd! Margaret Sanger called blacks “human weeds” that must be eliminated.

If your local PP does not currently have an abortion clinic but, instead, has “education” classes, be aware that their education classes unleash evil through information. My mother (who still thinks Margaret Sanger was a “great humanitarian”) sent me to PP’s Human Sexuality course when I was 16 years old. It was there that I viewed movies of bestiality, homosexuality and other perversions. Every class period ended with a bowl of condoms being passed around. The “teacher’s pet” was a beautiful 16 year old who was often called upon to testify about the abortions she had had with her 35-year-old biker boyfriend and how she was doing great after all these abortions. If PP is really about giving women a “choice,” why were we not told anything else in this class except that we needed to be sexual (in any way and form we liked) and that abortion has no consequences, physically or otherwise? Lies, both of them. Classes were always mixed; teen boys and girls together in order to break down our natural modesty and embarrassment about discussing such intimate details with the opposite sex.

You know what mantra still resonates in my mind 40 plus years after sitting in that class? “Abortion is just like getting a mole removed.” That is what the head of the Albuquerque PlannedParenthood liked to chant, over and over again. Well, by the grace of God, I never had an abortion and have gone on to be blessed with a large family (much to my mother’s horror) but I’ve talked with women who have had abortions and the words of one woman also echoes in my mind, “I wouldn’t wish an abortion on my worst enemy.”

Abortion providers like to promote themselves as great humanitarians who “deliver” women from their unwanted pregnancy but they do it for the six-figure starting salaries. May God help us to protect women from the horrors of being “delivered” by such agencies as Planned Parenthood.

An excellent book on the history of Planned Parenthood and the eugenics movement that influenced Margaret Sanger is Killer Angel by George Grant.

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