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Why Black Mothers Will Not Breastfeed « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Why Black Mothers Will Not Breastfeed

February 9, 2011


IN THIS entry, Kendra writes:

I know there are a few black women out there who breastfeed and practice natural mothering, but there is a huge negative stigma attached to “acting white.” It will be up to black women to change this, not a white nurse [at the hospital]. How many generations of black women will dry up their milk after birth before evolution takes over and the future generation of breasts stop making milk completely? What is the future for black babies after ten generations of not breastfeeding? We are on generation four or five right now.

While I know she means well, this liberal NICU nurse will not change the deeply held cultural values in the black community regarding breastfeeding. Defunding the WIC program, or only offering nutrition to the breastfeeding mother, is the only solution in my opinion. We need to stop this abuse and let the natural consequences of bad decision making play themselves out. Seems harsh, but it is the only option. We shall reap what we sow.

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