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Why the “Right” is as Dangerous as the Left « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Why the “Right” is as Dangerous as the Left

February 11, 2011


LAWRENCE AUSTER writes here:

It is necessary for traditionalists constantly to repeat the point … that liberalism/leftism consists of two main wings. These wings hate each other, and so everyone assumes that their positions are mutually opposed, but in reality the two wings both have policies which must result in the dissolution of the historic cultures and peoples of the West.

The first wing is left-liberalism, or simply the left. The left supports unqualified openness to and official recognition and subsidization of all alien groups and cultures….

… The second wing is right-liberalism, a.k.a. the “right.” The “right” says that the West is good, but only insofar as the West is defined as a universal society consisting of equal and interchangeable rights-bearing individuals. The “right” believes in the West, but the only good the “right” recognizes in the West are those values, procedures, and rights that proceed from liberal individualism…

… Right-liberalism and left-liberalism are unconsciously allied ideologies of Western suicide. There can be no hope for the salvation of the West apart from the utter rejection of both of these ideologies.


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