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A Future of Textbooks « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Future of Textbooks

March 4, 2011


PAUL writes:

With rare exceptions, I have grown to dislike modern Fantasy novels (as opposed to the Lord of the Rings) because women dominate men in these books or equate men with women. I want to read Fantasy (and virile authors such as Ludlum) because of the virility. I have not been finding similar novels. If I read a novel, I skip the female-male character parts and don’t miss anything. Maybe I will need to look harder. Jonathan Kellerman is good (despite his charismatic homosexual non-sexual partner). A writer friend of mine once told me some years back the reason was 70 percent of Fantasy is read by women.

I just do not respect women writing Fantasy. And, I do not think women make attractive leaders, in fiction or real life, although there are exceptions such as Joan of Arc and Margaret Thatcher.

Invariably, men authors (I never choose female authors) begin with a male character and immediately involve a brilliant, superhuman female that tags along or saves the man. Actually, it is transparent the female is there not to save the man (which would be believable if it were a man) but to sell books to women. I know it is all about the money, but I am completely uninterested in the female character, so I just skip past those pages. I suppose I’ll just go back to textbooks.

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