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A Question from a Reader « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Question from a Reader

March 14, 2011


MARI writes:

I read with interest your post on a group who would like to protect Western civilization and its Christian heritage and influence. I am not Caucasian, but I am a Christian. Will there be a place for
those like myself who love the Lord and regard Western Civilization highly, in this society of Caucasians? I hope I have not offended you. I have always thought that I would like a place in such a society. To assure you, I am not a liberal intending on starting trouble. I have always wanted to be a part of a society which regards highly the Lord, His ways, the Constitution of the U.S.A. to name a few things. I grew up in a Muslim country and lived there for almost 18 years. And there is no place like the U.S. This is where I call home. I think multiculturalism can only work if it is based on conservative Christian principles. Otherwise, it degenerates into trouble.

Laura writes:

When I speak of restoring the historic ethnic and Christian identity of the United States and Europe, I do not speak of a society purged of non-whites and non-Christians or a society that strips non-whites and non-Christians of civil rights or mistreats them. I am referring to a restoration of the public confidence in Christianity and the European peoples that prevailed in America until relatively recently. The editors of Faith and Heritage offer some more important principles on this score when they write:

We affirm that all men, of every race, ethnicity, and tribe, are created in the image of God. However, this common humanity does not mean that all groups are equal in every respect, just as two brothers can share a common family but be blessed by Providence with vastly differing talents and abilities. We affirm that many of these differences have genetic components and thank God for the diversity of mankind.

We affirm that all men are fallen and in need of the saving grace of Jesus Christ. We further affirm that this grace, not race or ethnicity, is the sole source of our salvation.

We affirm the multi-national multi-racial makeup of Christ’s Church. We further affirm that the nations and races are themselves individual expressions of Providence, separated and cultivated by God to check the spread of evil and add to His glory, to be preserved kind after kind in this world and eternally in the world to come. We affirm that all attempts to amalgamate humans into one mixed mass are in open rebellion against God’s law and His sovereignly created boundaries.

We affirm that every race and ethnicity not only has the right, but also the duty to defend its homeland, borders, culture, and existence from those seeking to destroy them. We affirm that each generation has the duty to preserve its own particular culture, blood, and soil as well as the true faith of Christianity as an inheritance to those generations following it.

So, to answer your question, you would have a home in such a society just as you have a home here now. But I do not mean to paint a picture of a sugary-sweet utopia. As a non-white, you would have a sense of yourself as somewhat of an outsider, just as I would always feel somewhat of an outsider if I lived in, say, Japan, no matter how much I adopted the customs or language. You are a Christian and a reasonable person so that is not something that would enrage you. Only those who are envious or seek power for themselves would find this outsider or minority status intolerable. 

                                       — Comments —

Clem writes: 

Mari said: I think multiculturalism can only work if it is based on conservative Christian principles. 

I don’t think multiculturalism works at all and that is the point. In fact I would argue multiculturalism is destructive to Christianity. Perhaps she meant multi-racial? That is a whole other question although the two are not mutually exclusive and very closely related.

 Laura writes:

Multiculturalism, in the modern vernacular, stands for the suppression of European Christian culture. Multiculturalism, in the sense that cultures radically different from each other join to form a single society and equally influence the customs and habits of that society, is not possible. It is better for Mari to think of how she would fit into a culture with a dominant white European ethos not an oppressive multiculture.

Jesse Powell writes:

Laura writes, “When I speak of restoring the historic ethnic and Christian identity of the United States and Europe, I do not speak of a society purged of non-whites and non-Christians or a society that strips non-whites and non-Christians of civil rights or mistreats them. I am referring to a restoration of the public confidence in Christianity and the European peoples that prevailed in America until relatively recently.” 

If you are not in favor of expelling non-white minorities and not in favor of legally enforced discrimination against non-white minorities then I don’t see what the problem is. Furthermore, I don’t see how your position differs from the status quo that prevails in America today regarding racial matters. Isn’t the whole point of “defending Western culture and its white ethnic heritage” either expelling non-whites from where they currently live or imposing new discriminatory laws against non-whites? 

If the point is merely to restore pride in European culture and to look favorably upon the achievements of Western civilization then I don’t see how anyone can legitimately object to that; however, asserting pride in one’s heritage doesn’t require any kind of changes in law or public policy so I don’t see how it can form the basis of a political movement. 

In terms of the conservative values that have historically governed America it should be remembered that “separation of church and state” is written directly into the constitution and the constitution also provides that any person born within the territory of the United States is automatically granted US citizenship, is a “natural born American citizen.” 

Definitely, it is fair to say, at least until 1950, that America was a white European derived civilization that operated according to Christian values and certainly America from its founding up until 1950 achieved many great things and was a very successful country. Today, America is not as racially homogenous as it once was and adherence to traditional Christian values is in retreat. I can very easily see the harm that has been done by the retreat from Christianity. It is more difficult for me to see a problem with the decline in the white population. To me, the most obvious and serious problem is the decline of the family and so that is what I focus on. 

I suppose my question is, if the goal is to re-establish the dominance of Christianity and European derived cultural practices then how exactly is that to be done? 

By the way, below is a history of the racial composition of American society from 1900 up to the current day: 

In 1900 the population was 87.8% white (among whites 61.3% were native born with native parents, 23.4% were native born with foreign parents, and 15.3% were foreign born); 11.6% black; 0.3% Asian (among Asians 58.1% were Chinese and 41.9% were Japanese); and 0.3% Native American. 

In 1950 the population was 89.5% white (among whites 92.5% were native born and 7.5% were foreign born); 10.0% black; 0.2% Asian (among Asians 45.3% were Chinese and 54.7% were Japanese); 0.2% Native American; and 0.1% other. 

In 1980 the population was 79.6% white; 11.5% black; 1.5% Asian (among Asians 23.0% were Chinese, 20.0% were Japanese, 22.1% were Filipino, and 34.9% were from other Asian countries); 0.6% Native American or Alaskan Native; 6.4% Hispanic; and 0.4% other. 

In 2009 the population estimate was 65.1% white; 12.3% black; 4.6% Asian or Pacific Islander; 0.8% Native American or Alaskan Native; 1.5% Mixed Race; and 15.8% Hispanic. 

Births in the year 2009 were 53.5% white; 14.8% black; 6.1% Asian or Pacific Islander; 1.2% Native American or Alaskan Native; and 24.2% Hispanic.

Laura writes:

Jesse writes, “If the point is merely to restore pride in European culture and to look favorably upon the achievements of Western civilization then I don’t see how anyone can legitimately object to that; however, asserting pride in one’s heritage doesn’t require any kind of changes in law or public policy so I don’t see how it can form the basis of a political movement.”

There are quite a few laws, regulations and court rulings that discriminate against whites. These include affirmative actions laws and policies that require favoritism for non-whites in hiring, in the awarding of commercial contracts and  in university admission and funding (there is a vast body of scholarships that discriminates against whites). Birthright citizenship, which you mention, benefits predominantly non-whites and has contributed to the dramatic decline in the white proportion of the population that you mention. Birthright citizenship is wrong. Forced integration of housing and schools are also wrong. Public assistance and welfare laws indirectly discriminate against whites as they largely amount to a transfer of wealth from whites to non-whites and are justified on that basis. They are a de facto system of reparations. 

Our immigration laws since the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and subsequent amnesty measures for illegal immigrants, as well as the refusal of the federal government to enforce our existing immigration laws, would never be tolerated in a country that was confident of its historic heritage. So when we speak of a return of confidence we mean the freedom to consider the racial composition of our society and to shape it through conscious public policy that is founded on Christian ethics. 

Multiculturalism is not entirely codified in law but is embodied in the widespread cultural assumption that whatever is non-white must be glorified and whatever is white must be belittled and considered guilty. Our schools and popular culture are the primary purveyors of multiculturalism. It is not enough for textbooks to simply mention whites with pride as one of many groups. They should restore a sense that our culture was founded and shaped by whites and that other racial groups do not have an equivalent influence.

I disagree with you that the decline of the family has nothing to do with racial issues though I do not think it is only a racial matter. Obviously feminism has contributed to the below-replacement fertility level of the white population. Feminism is inherently destructive of our historic identity.

Regardless of what the possible outcome of an assertion of white identity is, we are compelled to work to save our heritage. If an Indian tribe was losing its traditions and historic lands, I imagine you would agree it would have the duty and right to save itself from living under others and from seeing its way of life disappear.

Jesse mentions “separation of church and state.” The intention of our founders was to allow for the free exercise of religion in private life and to prevent the institutionalized or “established” cooperation between any church and the state. A culture is not formed by government alone but by the ethos and character of its people. There is no absolute separation of church and state because all people are motivated by religious forces, even secular liberals. Those religious forces find their way into laws and policy even under the purest intentions to divide church from state.

D. from Seattle writes:

Jesse Powell wrote: “…it should be remembered that “separation of church and state” is written directly into the constitution…” 

Claiming that “separation of church and state” is written directly into the constitution is such a common misconception, and so easy to verify, that it seems silly when a self-described conservative claims this. 

The Constitution of the United States and the Amendments do not contain words “church” and “separation” at all. The only time “religion” is mentioned is in the First Amendment, which says: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;…” 

Phrases “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof” and “separation of church and state” do not have the same meaning. Had the Founding Fathers wanted to say “separation of church and state”, they presumably would have done so; but they didn’t. Let’s not impute to them what they didn’t intend to say or convey. By doing so we are simply arguing the liberals’ case for them.

Clem writes:

Laura writes, “Regardless of what the possible outcome of an assertion of white identity is, we are compelled to work to save our heritage.”

 Indeed. It can’t be said any plainer than that.

Mari responds:

Thank you for answering so graciously and thoughtfully my question.  Even though we have never met, you affirm my belief in you as a decent, Christian traditional wife and mother. It is for these things that I am thankful for in America. Many of us who once lived in lands so violently opposed to Christianity can appreciate the safe harbor America is. I remember learning about the Constitution of the USA and being so awed at what kind of a document it was. There is not another like it on earth! I think I agree with Clem who says I meant multiracial rather than multicultural. 

You wrote, “So, to answer your question, you would have a home in such a society just as you have a home here now. But I do not mean to paint a picture of a sugary-sweet utopia. As a non-white, you would have a sense of yourself as somewhat of an outsider, just as I would always feel somewhat of an outsider if I lived in, say, Japan, no matter how much I adopted the customs or language. You are a Christian and a reasonable person so that is not something that would enrage you. Only those who are envious or seek power for themselves would find this outsider or minority status intolerable. “

Strangely, while I did feel out of place when I  first came to America(I think this is because I had little experience with the culture), I no longer feel that way.   I have found that there are
very many decent , wonderful Christians  in America who do not mind that I am Asian. It is a gift beyond price and affirms my belief that God’s kingdom as He said will be filled with people of many different races. And yes, you are right, I don’t mind being of a minority race in a Christian society. I know I will have nothing to fear.

There is a magazine called “Voice of The Martyrs.” You may have heard of it already. It is a  magazine which anyone can subscribe to for free and each month a different country is highlighted as to the plight of Christians in Muslim, non-Christian and Communist lands. I know for a fact, many of these Christians who are getting their houses burnt, their bodies hacked, and their livelihoods lost , would also not mind being a part of such an America. For many of them, it is only a dream. Please pray for them and if I may ask, would you let your readers know about Voice of the Martyrs? Thank you so much!

May America one day be truly great once more, affirming its faith in a mighty God, valuing life in the womb and morality in society.

Paul writes:

As someone born in the 1950s Deep South, let me describe to Mari why she is welcome to help whites regain their leadership status. When I was a child, segregation between white and black was the rule. Whites lived in mostly all-white neighborhoods where you slept with your doors and windows open (screened against mosquitoes because of no air conditioning). Your parents parked their cars and left the keys in the ignition; the only concern was whether to leave the windows down to avoid the frequent showers in New Orleans. Children ran the neighborhoods until dinner time, when (in my family’s case) my father let out a loudmouth whistle (like the one I use at ball games) that brought us home to supper. We walked around three-quarters of a mile to public school, where you were expelled if you were any kind of troublemaker at all. (No school buses.)

Murder only seemed to occur among blacks, though it was not spoken about because it did not affect whites (in large part). Blacks usually were loud, dirty, and unruly wherever you came across them; and so you avoided them. You could go anywhere outside of black areas and feel perfectly safe. Pre-Civil War whites were not blind. They knew what integration would mean. The above is just a snippet of life in the 1950s and early 1960s. So let me close with an anecdote.

Yearly, my family attended a particular Mardi Gras Day parade in our working-class neighborhood (where most people lived at the time whether professionals or blue collar). We were only two to three times removed French (not Cajun) descendants, and we would gather around the old pickup truck (parked on the parade route) belonging to the son of an old French family friend, Ms. Maria, who could hardly speak English but would cook delicious crepe suzettes. We had a ball every year. The parade route turned at that point because it would have entered a black neighborhood in New Orleans. (Our neighborhood abutted a black neighborhood, but the police kept blacks out of white neighborhoods in those days.) Well, the black crowd started to pull the white paraders from their carnival floats and began beating them. It was horrible. We moved that summer to an all-white suburb of New Orleans never to return to another New Orleans parade as a family.

No all-black nation has a nation to compare with the U.S. of my youth. Mari, whenever I meet up with an Asian, I have no fear, just respect because Asians are respectful, orderly, hard-working, clean, and smart. If Mari wants to live in a dominant Asian culture, there are plenty of good ones starting with Singapore. But don’t deny whites similar rights.

Mari writes:

I would like to assure you that, as an Asian, I do not require living in a dominant Asian culture to be content and I would never dream of demanding the U.S. accommodate a particular race. I am happy just to be living here. Over here, there is no fear if I carry a Bible around, you see; no police will stop me and ask if I am about to go evangelizing or about to attend church. They will not come for me and my fellow believers if they find out we are having a private Bible study at home. America is so precious. Its Christian heritage is worth preserving and protecting and defending.

I think I at first feared, like Jesse, that non-white Christians will have no place in a white Christian society. Yet many of your gracious replies and also Laura’s particularly reassured me and I know I will be welcome in such a society. Many of us who have tasted what it is like to be expelled from our own families just for being Christians are not so worried about living in a culture of a particular race. Any culture that accepts our Christian beliefs and will accept us, we count as a blessing beyond our dreams. This is my adopted country and I love it very much.

May God always bless America ! And thank you for letting me visit.. I am a great fan of this blog.

Alan writes:

I would like to confirm what Paul wrote about American city life in the 1950s.

In south St. Louis there is a neighborhood called “Dutchtown”. That is a corruption of “Deutschtown”; many German families settled there in the late 1800s-early 1900s and acquired a reputation as the “Scrubby Dutch” because they took such good care of their property.

Last week a black felon living in a house in Dutchtown shot three law enforcement officers, wounding two and killing one.

I grew up in that neighborhood in the 1950s. What it was then and what it is now are as unlike as two things can be. No such crime could have been perpetrated there in the 1950s because no blacks lived there in those years. Dutchtown was populated by white families of European descent. They were self-disciplined, self-reliant, hardworking, and well-mannered. They made Dutchtown a clean, peaceful, pleasant neighborhood and kept it that way for decades. A newspaper article in 1967 stated that even the alleys in Dutchtown were notable for their cleanliness.

But over the past twenty years Dutchtown has become the site of moral rot, crime, and lawlessness. A woman who once lived and attended school there wrote in 2009: “I grieve for the Dutchtown that was”. She had good reason. The old residents of Dutchtown lived by a code of ethics pointing upward. Many of the newcomers – the diverse and multicultural crowd – live by the code of jungle savages.

Murders, bank robberies, theft, assaults, and stabbings now take place in the neighborhood where residents, teachers, priests, nuns, children, and shopkeepers walked about freely in the 1950s without a fear in the world. I was one of them.

Those three lawmen were shot at a house across the street from the city park where my father and I played baseball on serene Saturday afternoons and weekday evenings in the summers of 1958-’59. That park was always filled with neighborhood children. In 2006 a wall of the shelter building in that park was defaced with the words “Crip Gang” and “Home of the Bloods”.

In 2007 an 89-year-old white man minding his own business was robbed and viciously beaten in an alley near the corner drugstore where my classmates and I stopped every day after classes to buy candy and baseball cards in 1958-’59. The population of the Catholic parish where I was an altar boy fifty years ago has diminished by more than 80 percent. In 2001 the church collection box was stolen – twice. Its parochial school was closed and is now run by a group that promotes diversity and multiculturalism.

Public schools closed. People moved away. “Security bars” appeared on the door of the neighborhood market where my mother shopped for groceries every week in 1958-’59. Blaring rap and hip-hop “music” is now heard on streets where the loudest sound we ever heard in 196l was the bell on a Mister Softee Ice Cream truck.

Subsidized housing was introduced into Dutchtown by the same do-gooders who brought us forced busing, forced integration, fair housing laws, and affirmative action laws. A few years later: Many of those subsidized rental apartments were trashed and boarded up – a scene not only that no one living in Dutchtown in the 1950s ever saw, but that no one would ever have dreamed of seeing there.

Some of the people who lived in those apartments within the past ten years had names like: Faisa, Binti, Manahil, Issack, Gure, Maka, Jeanelle, Neeka, Awolowo, Umulkhair, Maka, Tyronica, Auxilio, Jannia, Syrenthia, Hawa, Halimo, Saba, Maryan, and Yassah.

Of course the very point of such names is to proclaim: “We are different from you and proud of it!” Their ill-mannered conduct, loud music, profane language, contempt for other people’s property, neglect of their own (rental) property, and hatred of rules and discipline show precisely how different they are – and how incompatible with people who work hard, obey laws, care for their property, and mind their own business.

The Maryville Convent of the Sacred Heart (a Catholic college for girls) opened in Dutchtown in 1872 and remained there until 1961. It stood three blocks from the house where those law enforcement officers were shot last week. Thirty-five years after she graduated from that college in 1961, a woman remembered Dutchtown in these words:

“…You could walk all over Dutchtown at any time of day. [Residents[ kept their yards green and beautiful. They had so much self-discipline. Girls [from Maryville College] could walk all night without anyone bothering us. The nuns never worried about us. In fact, they would rather have seen us walking around in Dutchtown than out with a date. At least, they knew we were safe that way…”

What that woman said is true. I know, because – like her – I was there in 1961.

When it had no “diversity”, no “multiculturalism”, no subsidized housing, and no “security bars” on doors and windows, Dutchtown was clean, peaceful, and pleasant. Now it has all those things – and is infested with lawlessness and vandalism.

People who are not brain-anesthetized would learn something from that. For instance: That government-mandated “diversity” and “multiculturalism” are poison.










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