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A War by Any Other Name Stinks « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A War by Any Other Name Stinks

March 28, 2011


THE NEWS that Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates and Hillary Clinton believe Operation Odyssey Delusion may last until next year is too depressing to absorb. You can read about it here. Gates calls this not a war but a “complex undertaking.” 

When asked whether this military campaign is in our national interest, Gates said on “This Week” on ABC, “No, I don’t think it’s a vital interest for the United States, but we clearly have interests there, and it’s a part of a region which is a vital interest for the United States.”

Let’s highlight once again the remarkable irony of Hillary Clinton, who has always presented herself as a beacon of feminist enlightenment, in the position of warmonger advocating military intervention without congressional approval. Feminists promised world peace. They give us self-annihilation.

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