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Chairman Hillary « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Chairman Hillary

March 13, 2011


AT THE ridiculous and revolting Women in the World Summit in New York City this weekend, Hillary Clinton told Middle Eastern reformers that they must give women more political power. The Secretary of State is utterly at home telling other peoples how to order their lives. Global Oprah-ization is her objective. Women “deserve to be able to run for office, to serve as leaders and legislators, even president,” she said.

The chic summit was a cross between the Academy Awards and a global Take Back the Night rally. Women around the world must be American-style careerists, Clinton told the crowd. The Secretary of State make this flat-out assertion: “When women earn and keep their own money, they spend more on their families and in their communities than men do, “creating a positive impact on future development.” The death spiral of below-replacement fertility must be a “positive impact” in Clinton’s view.

Female empowerment is an “unfinished business,” Mrs. Clinton said. Indeed, it will be forever unfinished. There will never be a time when feminists pack their bags and go home. They will forever raise the stakes until their principles are repudiated.

                                   — Comments —

George writes:

” There will never be a time when feminists pack their bags and go home. They will forever raise the stakes until their principles are repudiated.”

This doesn’t just include feminists, this is true of the left in general. I wish more people on the right would realize that the left will never leave you alone. The right needs to understand that “a reasonable compromise” isn’t going appease them. They are like children this way, they will push boundaries until you finally have to spank them. Even that might not stop some of them actually.

The right needs to understand that we can’t simply hold the line, the left will never live-and-let-live, we must push them back. Be philosophically conservative, temperamentally radical.

Laura writes:

We should aspire to be counter-revolutionaries, creating ways of living and thinking that are radically apart from the surrounding culture.

Peter S. writes:

We are now in a situation in United States where, to name only a few key metrics, there are more women employed than men, more women attending college than men and women under thirty out-earning men. Equality in these domains has not been achieved, but reversed. Yet, tellingly, there is little to no call for correction, but rather a contradictory mix of female triumphalism and denial of gains. What is very clearly revealed by this, if it was not previously self-evident, is that the call on the part of feminists for equality has simply been a deceptive canard and that feminism is, in essence, a supremacist movement at war with men.


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