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Goméz Dávila on Love « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Goméz Dávila on Love

March 23, 2011


STEPHEN writes:

With regard to yesterday’s post on the “Meditations of Nicolas Goméz Dávila,” I would like to offer one small correction to what your correspondent (Peter S.) wrote, or at least prevent a potential misunderstanding on the part of your readers. Goméz Dávila wrote well over 3,000 aphorisms — the total is, I believe, somewhere around 14,000. Rather, I only translated approximately 3,000 of his aphorisms into English on Don Colacho’s Aphorisms.

Laura writes:

So you only translated 3,000 of his aphorisms? That’s all

Seriously, that is impressive. Congratulations and thank you for your effort. In celebration, I’d like to post a few of my favorite of Goméz Dávila’s aphorisms on love:

Love is the organ with which we perceive the unmistakable individuality of beings.

Love loves the ineffableness of the individual.

To love is to hover without rest around the impenetrability of a being.

Love is the act which transforms its object from a thing into a person.

To love is to understand the reason God had for creating what we love.

The perfections of the one we love are not fictions of love. To love, on the contrary, is the privilege of noticing a perfection invisible to other eyes.

Love and hate do not create, but reveal, qualities which our indifference obscures.



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