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Schooling Around « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Schooling Around

March 14, 2011



SURELY, no president in history has spent as much time in school classrooms as President Obama, pictured here visiting a Virginia high school last week with Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard. At least once a week, or so it seems, Obama pops into a public school somewhere in America. The Great Unifier believes education is the great unifier. And for many Americans, both conservative and liberal, it is. Public education is the one issue surrounded with a halo of incontestability. How could anyone begrudge more funds or more energy or more ideas devoted to our schoolchildren? How could anyone not like a man who takes the time to be with children and who wants to boost our global competitiveness? The school is the natural playground of the liberal politician. It is the place he is most at home because there he feels secure in his good intentions. Education reform is the path to political holiness.

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