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The Jew-Hater’s Radar « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Jew-Hater’s Radar

March 20, 2011


IN THIS previous thread, Van Wijk writes:

It is no secret that the majority of American Jews are leftists; so are a great many whites. Since leftist Jews are in most cases racially and culturally white, and since they are too few and pacifistic to pose a physical threat, they can be lumped in with white leftists as a whole and dealt with in the same manner. The problem with the Jew-haters is that they tend to ignore or play down the danger posed by demonstrably violent peoples. Solve the problem of Jewish influence, they say, and all other problems will solve themselves. Every time I’ve asked a Jew-hater what to do about Mestizos or Muslims, the response has been that they can be dealt with “in a straightforward manner.” No one but the Jews are on the Jew-hater’s radar, and Jews are (naturally) responsible for most of the evil in the world. …. Since Jewish influence looms large in the mind of the Jew-hater and can never be resolved while there is a single Jew in the land, to engage them is to be drawn into what Mark Richardson calls an “intellectual cul-de-sac.”

Laura writes:

Van Wijk writes, “The problem with the Jew-haters is that they tend to ignore or play down the danger posed by demonstrably violent people.”

I would amend that to say, “One problem with the Jew-haters is that they tend to ignore or play down other dangers.”


                                  — Comments —

Lawrence Auster writes:

Van Wijk, in his excellent comment, wrote:

Since Jewish influence looms large in the mind of the Jew-hater and can never be resolved while there is a single Jew in the land, to engage them is to be drawn into what Mark Richardson calls an “intellectual cul-de-sac.”

That’s a powerful sentence, but it would be even more powerful, and more supportive of Van Wijk’s overall theme, if it were changed to this:

Since in the minds of the Jew-haters the Jews are the ultimate cause of all the evils facing society, and since, therefore, none of those evils can be solved or even dealt with while there is a single Jew in the land, to engage the Jew-haters is to be drawn into what Mark Richardson calls an “intellectual cul-de-sac.”



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