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The Meditations of Nicolás Goméz Dávila « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Meditations of Nicolás Goméz Dávila

March 22, 2011



Today marks the completion of a multi-year informal translation project of the aphorisms of Don Colacho.  A profound reactionary intellectual, his observations, while no doubt acerbic to some tastes, are full of penetrating insight regarding the modern condition and the eclipse of the sacred.  Of the nearly three thousand aphorisms authored by him, I offer a few here by way of example: 

We do not invoke God as defendants, but as parched lands. 

Today the individual must gradually reconstruct inside himself the civilized universe that is disappearing around him. 

I do not belong to a world that is passing away; I prolong and transmit a truth that does not die. 

The Gospels and the Communist Manifesto are waning; the world’s future lies in the power of Coca-Cola and pornography.

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