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The News According to Tina « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The News According to Tina

March 8, 2011



TINA BROWN has unveiled her first issue of a redesigned Newsweek with a breathless celebration of global feminism. Women, women, women.  The world over, women are doing amazing, earth-shattering, unprecedented things. And, with such humility:

They are heads of state and heads of household. Angry protesters in the city square and sly iconoclasts in remote villages. With a fiery new energy, women are building schools. Starting businesses. Fighting corruption. Harnessing new technologies and breaking down old prejudices. Whenever a woman or girl gains control of her destiny, the local standard of living goes up and the values of human rights spread. So this year, and every year, NEWSWEEK will honor local heroes, and the growing network of powerful women who support their efforts.

As Jack Shafer at Slate puts it, the magazine spread looks like something produced by “a sixth grade class studying Women’s History Month.” 

Brown says she was inspired to create this introductory issue with its predictable cover of Global Feminist Poo-bah, Hillary Clinton, by her appointment as the first female editor of Newsweek, which was in its death throes, and by the upcoming Women in the World Summit in New York City. (No joke. There is a Women in the World Summit, and I have not been invited yet.) But clearly ad dollars were an inspiration. Corporate America adores this woman-pandering schlock.

Feminism is a form of collective sociopathic narcissism. Every woman at this summit, along with all of the women on Newsweek’s list of 150 Women Who Shake the World (predictably headed by Oprah) and in the companion articles at the Daily Beast website, should be under psychiatric supervision for Narcissism Personality Disorder. If medication won’t work, perhaps intensive therapy will.

The Daily Beast spread includes an article by Tony Dokoupil, “Why Female Politicians Are Better.The irony of all this celebration of women as women is eternally lost on those who simultaneously argue for the transcendence of sex differences and for worldwide preferences and empowerment of women as women. Liberian president Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is featured, plugging for foreign aid for women because they are superior to men. “”Women are much more conscious and much more dedicated in working the land. The men would rather just play drums.”


                                                         — Comments —

Jeff W. writes:

Sad to say, I believe there is a method to Tina Brown’s madness. Advertisers like a female audience because women are more gullible and exploitable than men. Because younger people are more gullible and exploitable than older people, an audience of young women is best of all.

Tina, on behalf of her prospective advertisers, is trying to attract an audience of young women who have this question in their minds: “What should I buy to look successful?” Tina’s advertisers will answer that question with beautiful photographs of status-enhancing products that sell at high mark-ups. I predict that “successful women” will be Newsweek’s continuing theme.

Such is the plan. In reality, Newsweek’s investors, who bought the magazine last summer for $1, may end up losing money on the deal.

John E. writes:

I have to laugh at the absurdity of this, as well as the Int’l Women’s Day festivities. Laughing helps to keep the bile down.

Lawrence Auster writes: 

In her earlier career as a magazine editor Tina Brown was famous for always being on the cutting edge. Now she takes over Newsweek and devotes the entire first issue to one of the most familiar and trumpeted themes in our culture, a theme already blasting from every media organ, every institution, every TV ad—women’s empowerment. This suggests complete exhaustion on her part.

 Kamilla writes:

Has anyone else noticed that Madam Secretary is simply listed as “Hillary Rodham”?



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