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The Pro-Abortion Young « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Pro-Abortion Young

March 14, 2011


SEE THIS video of a recent pro-abortion rally of mostly white young people in Chicago. Leaving aside their crude behavior and depressingly ugly clothes and hairstyles, it is interesting how these protesters seem to be oblivious of the thousands of infertile couples eager to adopt babies or of the fact that since abortion became widely available the number of children raised without fathers has skyrocketed or of the below-replacement level fertility of their own people.

What kind of old people will these sheltered, boorish youths be someday? Our colleges are factories that churn out ignorance, crudity and raw ugliness.


                                             — Comments —

Marcy Kiefer writes:

It is very disturbing to hear what the young people have to say about abortion and how they have believed the lies. The anger some of them show or the complete apathy towards life is so sad. I have never met a woman who has been “proud” of her abortion until watching this video. It will take much prayer, fasting, and witnessing by us pro-lifers for these pro-abortion women to be converted.

Karen I. writes:

In the video, one of the young women said, “A baby would get in the way of a job I need to pay off those loans.” I assume she is speaking of college loans. How sad it is that young women would find themselves so in debt for an education they would kill their unborn children in order to make the loan payments! 

As for the appearance of those in the video, they look (and sound) as though they are trying very hard to be as repellent to the opposite sex as possible. How many men would want a disgusting-looking woman who would stand on a busy street corner, screaming curses and saying things such as, “if I get pregnant, I am going to abort the baby as soon as I can?” The aggressive abortion stance seems to be part of a calculated plan to be just about as repulsive as a woman can be.

George writes:

Karen writes, “In the video, one of the young women said, “A baby would get in the way of a job I need to pay off those loans.””

I think we’ve lost sight of more than we realize here. Think about this from the perspective of the natural world. If any other species did this kind of thing we would see that as a sign something was wrong. Killing your offspring because it gets in the way of your job is about as Darwinianly dysfunctional as it gets. Sure, sometimes animals kill their young, such as when they are sick or deformed. But that’s because lions don’t build hospitals. Aside from that animals typically don’t kill their young, for what I hope are obvious reasons.

Whether this woman went through college or not, there is enough wealth in America that even our poor live relatively well, especially compared to the rest of the world. If she made this choice, it would be a matter of convenience, not any kind of necessity.

Karen said, “How sad it is that young women would find themselves so in debt for an education they would kill their unborn children in order to make the loan payments! “

It’s not really about that. It’s about buying into the world of illusion that has been built and largely maintained by the left. That world says that status, careers, bling, reality shows, shopping sprees, vacations, etc. etc. are what really matter in life. Whereas the human parts of life like family, friends, community, art (good art), wisdom, virtue etc. are downplayed or dismissed.

Okay, I just watched the video.

Maybe it’s best these people aren’t reproducing. Perhaps we could compromise and give them free sterilizations?

Laura writes:

George writes, “If she made this choice, it would be a matter of convenience, not any kind of necessity.”

I disagree. These women wouldn’t be out there protesting if it was simply a matter of convenience or money. Something more important is at stake. Their identity hinges on their careers and accomplishments. They may not even be materialistic in the sense of wanting much money, but they do need to have those accomplishments, even if it is in a poorly paying field such as “social justice” or the arts. They realize they would have to give up everything they are to have a baby too soon or even to be pregnant.


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