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When Boys are Taught by Women « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

When Boys are Taught by Women

March 21, 2011


KILROY M. writes:

This from NineMSN in Australia brought a smile to my face: “Casey’s father Colin said he was proud his son has finally stood up to the bullying, and the support Casey had received had already changed his son’s demeanour and self-esteem.” 

I remember my high school, which was run almost exclusively by female teachers, whose way of dealing with bullying was to tell the victim to “stay away” from the bullier. Needless to say, it solved nothing. With poor male role-models, young boys will revert to behaving brutishly. Educational elites will not understand this because they see masculinity as a pathological disorder that is to be remedied by feminisation. 

The chronic shortage of male teachers in Australian schools has also lead to the crisis of boy’s education here. I remember several years ago the leader of the Labor Opposition, Mark Latham advocated setting up a special programme to help recruit more male teachers. The policy would require the amendment of the federal discrimination laws so that an affirmative action plan could be implemented to fix this problem. It was successfully opposed by the “conservative” government (because it was a Labor policy) and parliamentary feminists (because helping men is never an option).

                                                     — Comments —

Peter S. writes:

One might well recall the tested adage of the Roman author Vegetius: Si vis pacem, para bellum, “If you wish for peace, prepare for war,” as well as its less common inversion, rather applicable in this instance: Si vis bellum, para pacem, “If you wish for war, prepare for peace.”

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