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A Gathering of CEGs (Chief Executive Goddesses) « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Gathering of CEGs (Chief Executive Goddesses)

April 4, 2011



A MEN’S ONLY club of the powerful and influential is an outrage. A women’s-only club is proof of progress. The Belizean Grove is “the world’s ultimate old-girls club.” Here’s what they do at their gatherings, according to The New York Times:

They spend mornings in panel discussions based on the retreat’s particular theme; in recent years, those themes have included “Complexity,” “Shaping Our Future” and “Wisdom and Spirit.” At the sessions, Grovers showcase their areas of expertise, opining on issues as diverse as military strategy, marine life, philanthropy and how revolutions in the Middle East may affect the geopolitical balance.

At lunchtime, women break into moderated discussion groups on topics like climate change, managing finances in times of crisis, dream interpretation and “Should I get a facelift?” Afternoons are reserved for free time. In the evenings, the women might attend a reception at the United States embassy with the host country’s leading politicians and dignitaries.

This sounds too silly to bother with, and judging from the above photo (are these women soliciting or just indulging in run-of-the mill feminist narcissism?), it is profoundly silly, if such a thing is possible. But notice how the women endorse nepotism and discrimination while at the same time bemoaning the discrimination they faced in their brutal hauls to the top:

[According to one CEO,] “Many of us had to shoehorn our way into a completely male world, so there’s one level of network that provides solace and comfort.” After all, many Grovers have forged ahead despite sexism and discrimination. “But now we’re taking it to the next level, which is actually to create value in the world.”

As Grovers look ahead, many believe the best way to aid subsequent generations of women is to back female entrepreneurs.

As silly as it seems, this is serious. These women will be backing their friends and fellow goddesses in the business world, engaging in rank favoritism for other women. They also will be spreading their toxic ideology and their worship of raw energy as the highest human good.

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