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A Husband Collapses « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Husband Collapses

April 17, 2011


A READER writes:

My husband fainted in church today. We were going through the Passion when he suddenly fell over into the pew in front of us, face first. I thought he lost his balance then I realized he was unconscious. His eyes rolled back. I thought he had a heart attack at first. He came to and the couple in front of us helped him out of church and told me to get him to the hospital. Mass was so packed the priest never knew what was happening. On the way there, my husband said he thought he was going to faint again and he turned gray. I pulled over at the police station and ran in, yelling that my husband needed help in the car. A police officer came out and gave him oxygen while he sat half slumped over. 

The cop called an ambulance. I went ahead to the hospital and waited. When he did not arrive quickly, I worried he died in the ambulance. He was finally diagnosed with a slow heart rate (bradycardia), which can lead to fainting. He did not have a seizure or a heart attack and he is expected to be okay. 

If my husband had died today, I would have been very grateful for our time together and for the fact that I got to be a housewife for so many years. I was reminded how much I love him and how quickly it can all end. I won’t be writing any more for awhile. My husband will need some tests and I am just going to concentrate on us for awhile. I am going to work on my cooking and cleaning and all that fun stuff. I hope you continue your blog. It is truly excellent. I wish you all the best with it. If I wasn’t another “destitute housewife,” I’d send you a fortune.


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