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A New Breed of Female Delinquents « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A New Breed of Female Delinquents

April 19, 2011


THE obliteration of childhood has brought dramatic increases in juvenile crime. That especially includes crime among girls, which more than doubled between 1985 and 2007, exceeding the rate of inceases for male crime. Fatherless America, the land of institutionalized matriarchy and casual neglect of the young, is producing hardened and violent girls. This 16-year-old and her friend are charged in Illinois with handcuffing and sexually molesting a 17-year-old mentally retarded boy. This is the face of a girl whose innocence died centuries ago.


                                                                    — Comments —

Art writes:

This also demonstrates the depths to which feminism has sunk the country. After all this girl had achieved such “equality” with men her age. The equal willingness and ability to torture and sexually abuse someone weaker. And this shows how much of our “youth culture” does not replace childhood with responsibility, but instead with savagery, even as it increases dependence on adults.

Laura writes:


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