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Defending Marriage with Newt « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Defending Marriage with Newt

April 4, 2011


CONSERVATIVE evangelical pastors met recently in Iowa to affirm their opposition to same-sex marriage. Who was among their speakers but Newt Gingrich himself, the walking embodiment of American Christian hypocrisy on the subject of marriage. How can one defend marriage anywhere near Newt who left two of his wives and admitted to having an affair with his current wife, Callista, for years while married to his second wife?

If the primary purpose of marriage is self-fulfillment then same-sex marriage makes sense.


                                     — Comments —

Aaron Root writes:

Were you able to find Gingrich’s comments anywhere? I would be curious to know what subject(s) he spoke on, and how he handled the sanctity of marriage in his remarks.

Unless I misunderstood your linked NYT piece in my brief scan, I don’t find that the conference was about marriage alone, but rather a whole host of concerns dear to conservatives. Did you perhaps misread its purpose yourself? Gingrich could be given a pass for discussing, say, tax policy, at such a conference; a plenary on the glories of fidelity in marriage would of course be beyond the pale.

Laura writes:

My entry gives the impression that same-sex marriage was the only theme of the conference, when it was one of several themes. That was my mistake. It was about conservative family values and small government. Same-sex marriage is one of the pastors’ most pressing concerns.

According to the Times,

 Mr. Gingrich, for one, described the “Rediscovering God in America” films he has made with his wife, Callista, and said America is exceptional because its founding documents enshrine rights “endowed by our creator.”

How could a gathering of pastors stomach such hypocrisy?

George S. writes:

I’m guessing they could stomach it very easily if association with Newt got them fame, fortune or other such rewards.

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