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Let the Wedded Party Begin « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Let the Wedded Party Begin

April 30, 2011


WILL the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge be anything but glorified party-ers now that the wedding is over? Adam Lovejoy writes:

The problem with Prince William is that he thinks that because he has lost his mother, Princess Diana, he has some God given right to do whatever he pleases – as if the tragic death of his mothers [sic] is some excuse for him to make a fool of himself and ignore his duty as the second in line to the throne. He gets involved with an unsuitable woman, lives with her openly outside marriage for seven years and then falls for her cheap act of ‘Oh, William, they’ll never allow you to marry me’ act, while the horny brigade applauds him for being thoroughly modern.

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