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Racial Favoritism at McDonald’s « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Racial Favoritism at McDonald’s

April 27, 2011


McDONALD’S has introduced a new program called 365Black. The company states, “[W]e believe that African-American culture should be celebrated 365 days a year – not just during Black History Month.”

Lawrence Auster writes:

So McDonald’s has turned itself into an officially race-conscious organization which promotes blacks as blacks, and blackness as blackness. This is in line with the de facto American ideology of all-pervasive race-blindness and zero racial identity for whites, combined with all-pervasive race-consciousness and maximum racial identity for nonwhites. The Civil Rights idea, ML King’s Dream, in which everyone is race-blind and each person is seen as an individual, is long gone—except when it is cynically used to push whites to be race-blind while encouraging nonwhites to be race-conscious.

There is no reason for any white person (or any non-black person) to go along with McDonald’s pro-black corporate identity. People should write to McDonald’s and say that they will not patronize the company again until it drops its racial program and is equally welcoming to all.

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