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The Biggest City in History « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Biggest City in History

April 6, 2011


JEFF W. writes:

I’ll share with you a thought I had this morning.

I have been thinking about how the Internet is a slum. Google, whose business purpose is to gather eyeballs for advertisers, provides easy access to all sorts of trivial, time-wasting garbage, as well as pornography. Facebook encourages the worst in self-centered behavior. The young billionaires who run Google and Facebook are slumlords.

There is one part of the Internet, though, that is not a slum, where civilization and good manners can be found, and that is at The Thinking Housewife authored by Laura Wood.

Laura writes:

Thank you. 

Neil Postman said every form of technology is a Faustian bargain; we gain and lose something at the same time. The Internet is a great example of that. It’s an immense city, the biggest city in history, with slums that extend for miles in every direction and lovely neighborhoods that are a pleasure to stroll through. It makes friends and enemies of people many miles away. We cannot begin to assess how it will shape the future.

But it can only change things so much. Behind every screen is a human being. 

How strange that we find moments of intimacy in such a big and impersonal place.

Thank you for your kind words.

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