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The Heartthrob and the Rapper « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Heartthrob and the Rapper

April 9, 2011


THE music video “Baby” by Canadian heartthrob Justin Bieber has received more than 500 million views on YouTube. The love song, wildly popular among teenage girls, breaks into rap with a performance by someone named Ludacris. The teenybopper gamely attempts to do his thing in the medium of rap, with its throbbing simulation of animalistic copulation.  The video is the story of a multiracial utopia in which the white boy progressively dispenses with his whiteness and wins the girl.


                                                                         — Comments  —

James writes:

The advertisement I saw before the “Baby” video was for a movie called “Hanna,” about a 16-year-old white girl raised by her father to be an assassin.  The website I clicked to for info referred to her as “an underage assassin,” but I should think that would depend on what state she resides in.

James McDonald writes:

That’s the same Ludacris who made an obscene and highly-graphic, stomach-turning “song” and video called “Pussy Poppin’.” It’s about the deep and moving subject of black strippers who possess the rare and highly-prized ability to rhythmically thrust their pelvises at a precise frequency which causes their overly-developed fatty bottom-cheeks to slap together, producing a clapping sound. (I apologize for that, but that’s what it’s about.) His newest chart-topper is called “How Low Can You Go.” In this one, black girls in their underwear, who we are meant to presume are underage and having a sleepover, practice the same aforementioned dance move in front of a mirror, while video-taping themselves for Youtube. The mirror becomes a magic portal through which jumps Ludacris and his crew…

So this guy is in a video with the favorite teeny-bopper of millions of ‘tweens? I guess there are no connections to be made between anything anymore. Is this nominalism at work?

Laura writes:

I’m not sure people are not making the connections.

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